Board Minutes June 2015 - Annual Budget Meeting


Annual Budget  Meeting

June 10, 2015


The annual budget meeting of the Alanson Area Public Library Board was called to order by President, Joan Niewiadomski, at 6:00 p.m.  Trustees present were Anne Billiard, Pat McFarland, B.R.Smith, and Sue Warner.  Library Director, Anna LaRue was in attendance, as were employees Sherry Webster and Betsey Hill.

Minutes:   Minutes of the May 20, 2015, meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer’s Report:

•        2015-2016 budget was presented and reviewed

•        B.R. moved to approve the budget for 2015-2016, supported by Sue, budget accepted.


Meeting adjourned at 6:10


Respectfully submitted,

Sue Warner, Secretary
