Board Minutes September 2015


Regular Monthly Board Meeting

September 2, 2015


The monthly meeting of the Alanson Area Public Library Board was called to order by President, Joan Niewiadomski, at 6:02 p.m.  Trustees present were Pat McFarland, B.R.Smith, and Sue Warner.  Library Director, Anna LaRue, employee Sherry Webster.  Anne Billiard was absent.


Minutes:   Minutes of the August 5, meeting were approved as read.


Treasurer’s Report:

·         There was no report due to Anne’s absence.


Library Director’s Report:

•        Monthly cash and usage report was presented.

•        Programs:

       There were approximately 100 in attendance for the “Inland Waterway” program

 “Wolves of Michigan”; on September 30, at 7:00 pm, by Mike Cromley

“Bumps in the Night”, October 21, 7:00 pm

·         It was decided to pay both speakers $50.00; neither of them charge

·         Great Lakes Energy contacted the library to schedule  fall servicing

•        Book Club will resume on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at  4:00

•        Story Hour will begin on October 6, at 10:30 and run through December 15.

•         It was suggested after contacting attorney, Anne Seurynck, that we submit those policies we feel most critical. The cost was $3-5,000. for a complete review, or $200.00 per policy.

•        Three policies selected for review:  Internet and Computer Use, Patron Privacy, and Conduct and Property Use.

•        One computer monitor died and was replaced with a spare;  a new one will be ordered

•        Anna will attend the Nor-Cor Librarians meeting on Oct. 2, and will not be in the library on Monday, Oct. 5.

•        Sue moved to approve the Director’s report; supported by B.R., report approved.


Unfinished Business:

•        Book sale profit made? No one knew for sure.  Joan will find out.

•        Letter for Library Logo contest approved


New Business:

•        Donation to Nazarene Church food bank in memory of George Granger

•        Trustees/Friends conference in Petoskey, October 2, from 8:30-3:00. Joan will register everyone.

•        There was discussion on the question of increasing the charge for non-resident library cards. A motion was made by Sue and supported by Pat that non-residents cards will be $25.00 and senior non-residents will pay $15.00 per card.  Motion approved.  

•        It was decided to be more selective in our donations and to put limits on donations prior to the book sales.   Recycling more often.


Meeting Adjourned at 7:20 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Suzanne Warner, Secretary                 
