November 2017


Regular Monthly Board Meeting - November 2, 2017


The monthly meeting of the Alanson Area Public Library Board was called to order by President, Joan Niewiadomski, at 6:00 p.m.  Those present were trustees Janet Batog, Pat McFarland, BR Smith and Sue Warner, and Library Director, Anna LaRue


Minutes:   Minutes of the October 4, 2017, meeting were approved with one correction.


Treasurer’s Report:

•         Reconciled bank statements and bills for October were presented for initialing

•         Motion was made by Sue to approve the bill payments for October; supported by Pat. Motion approved. 

•          Profit and loss statements were presented.

•         Total liabilities and equity as of October 31, 2017: $183,230.32

•         Janet reported on the recent audit.

•         BR, moved to accept the treasurer’s report, supported by Sue, report accepted.


Library Director’s Report:

•         Monthly cash and usage report was presented.

•         Programs:

                       Story Hour has concluded until spring

                          Book Club book for December is “Still Life”, by Louise Penny 

                            Approx. 55 attended the” Haunts of Mackinac” program

·         Ukulele lending program is ready to launch soon!

•         Alanson English classes have made two visits and will come again

•         UPROC notification: in the near future, Windows 7 will no longer be supported; looking at options. New computer costs: $581.00 staff units; Mini P.C. $230.00 – could be used for public; approx. $3200.00 for 2 staff and 8 mini units with windows10 update

•         The family of William Wortley (benefactor) were in and discussed possible library needs 

•         New shelving due to ship on November 27.

•         Anna may use additional vacation days over the Thanksgiving Holiday depending on weather.

·         Sue moved to accept the director’s report, supported by Pat.  Report accepted.


Unfinished Business:

·         Following some discussion, BR made the motion that staff members will no longer be paid when attending board meetings.  Supported by Pat.  Motion approved.

·         Joan, BR, and Anna reported on the Friendship Township meeting they attended.


New Business:

·         Alanson Christmas Open House will be December 8, 5-8 pm.  Library will be open – trustees to provide cookies.

·          Friends Meeting – November 8, 6:00 pm

·         Calendars for 2018 requested

·         Joan will ask Sherry if the 4-H group will help with the Christmas Open House luminaries

·         Next meeting December 6, 6:00 pm


Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm


Respectfully submitted,

Sue Warner, Secretary                                      

